Expanding the network
Our network of contacts and experiences is constantly expanding. We presently operate out of different locations across the german speaking countries mainly in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, with a presence already established in other European countries too. Our Board of directors will based on ideas and experiences develop structure and service offerings to the needs of our customers.
Dr. Frank Schmidt, Diploma in Economics/Industrial Engineering
Director-Shareholder of PPMB GmbH, St. Wendel
Key Account Manager responsible for "Railway Services", IDS
Scheer AG, Saarbrücken
Senior Manager / Practice Manager in the field of
„Logistics & Services“,
IDS Scheer AG, Saarbrücken
Senior Consultant in the field of "Financial and Cost
IDS Scheer AG, Saarbrücken
Freelance work for Bayer AG, Leverkusen,
Wirtschaftsakademie (Business School), Blieskastel,
and the Trainingsakademie für Führungskräfte (Training College for
Managerial Skills), Bad Orb
Promotion and scientific participation at the University of
Kaiserlautern, Chair For Accountancy and Controlling held by
Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Franz
Studied Economics at the University of Kaiserslautern